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Happy Children

Quality, Affordable

A huge barrier for many families in Nevada is the lack of quality, affordable childcare. We rank among the worst of states when it comes to ensuring childcare doesn’t break the bank. Did you know that attending a public university is more affordable than childcare?


We must #DoBetter to ensure that no family is paying more than seven percent of their income on quality, affordable childcare.  

We fight for radical change through state and national policy for families and childcare providers.

Jasmine's Lived Experience

Jasmine is a single mom in Las Vegas working three jobs. Last year, she was scheduled to work a specific shift last minute and didn’t have childcare. She ended up paying more for childcare than she was paid for those hours.


This is a common story in Nevada as single parents pay more than one-third of their income for childcare.


Quality, affordable childcare shouldn’t require families like Jasmine's to work multiple jobs to pay for outrageously high childcare costs. 

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Our Childcare Fight

Nevada must make high-quality childcare more affordable and available for every family. No family should have to pay more than seven percent of their income on childcare, while all childcare teachers and providers must be paid at least a living wage.

Parents should be able to use financial assistance for childcare whether they are working or in school. We will continue to work alongside our community to lobby our legislators to do more to make sure people who are eligible for childcare assistance know how to apply and get it. 

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