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Make It Work Nevada

Legislative Session: The Basics

On January 20, 2020 we swore in the 46th president of the United States and we breathed a collective sigh of relief. However, the fight is nowhere near over. We can no longer sit on the sidelines and hope that our electoral victories will automatically result in policy wins. The time of sitting on the sidelines hoping that our electoral victories will automatically result in policy wins are over.

There are many injustices and issues that plague Black and Indigenous people of color but it is up to us to educate ourselves and get involved in creating and advocating for real solutions. Our role in American politics has expanded. We are political influencers and power brokers. And when we actively participate in creating and passing laws that will directly affect us, we can create real change that will help our communities thrive.

If we combine all of our individual power and resources we can create the kind of world we want to live in. Here is where to start. The FAQ’s below explain what the legislative session is and how we can hold elected officials accountable to the needs of our communities.

The Legislative Session FAQ’s

  1. What is the legislative Session?

The legislative session is a period of time where elected officials come together to make laws. During this time they have the power to pass or (or stop) bills from becoming law. Legislative sessions occur biennially (every two years) in an odd-number year. However, the ramifications from the laws passed (or not passed) during this time have the potential to impact Nevadans for generations.

  1. When is legislative session?

The 81st session of the Nevada Legislature (legislative session) convenes Feb. 1 through June 1, 2021. However, it is possible we may enter into a special session directly after the end of regular session.

  1. What is special session ?

Special sessions are called for a specific purpose at other times outside of regular session.

  1. How do I find out what bills are being presented at the legislative session?

Check out the Nevada Electronic Legislative Information System - NELIS on the Nevada State Legislature website.

  1. How can I support the bills I want to become law?

You can offer your support of bills by reaching out to your state legislator in many ways, letter writing, phone calls, social media and giving testimony. You can also show your support for the MIWN legislative priorities

  1. How can I get involved?

Share on social media. By sharing information and telling people about your personal story legislators will see what matters most to their legislators. Sometimes it’s even easier to get your legislator’s attention via social media.

Reach out to your state legislators and let them know which bills you support and want to become law.

Sign up to show support on the Make It Work Nevada legislative session page

We can all get free if we work together.

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