Outlined below are the specific measures we will pursue in the 81st Legislative Session of the Nevada Legislature.
Housing Justice
We are focused on eviction reform, improving industry regulation, enhancing fair chance housing, COVID-19 housing justice, and local affordable housing policy.
Eviction reform
Ban summary evictions
Increase notice for ‘no cause’ evictions.
Industry regulation
Require landlord registration
Rent (increase?) transparency
Eliminate predatory practices regarding fines & fees
Fair Chance Housing
COVID housing justice
Provide source of income as a protected class in NRS
Automatic sealing of COVID-19 related evictions
Reproductive Justice
We are pursuing policy to expand access to maternal (reproductive?) health resources. We will pursue policies that include the following:
Expanding Medicaid coverage to include
Medicaid reimbursement for doula services
a fourth trimester in Medicaid coverage
Industry credentialing
Establish state licensure for the midwifery industry
Expanding scope of practice
Establish that nurse practitioners can provide abortion care
Economic Justice
Economic Justice
We will support an amendment to omit federal and state holidays from the paid leave exemption outlined in NRS 608.0197, sec. 8A. Pursuing bold economic justice policy will be met with fierce opposition. So our goal is to strengthen our 2019 paid sick days legislation (SB312.)